Made Arya Palguna Art Works He was born in Ubud, Kelod, Bali, at October 12th 1976. He had been learned about the Art education from The Art High School (1992-1996) and since 1996, he continued his study at Indonesian Art Institute. Since 1995, he often joined the exhibition such as Sanggar Dewata, Kelompok Garis, Kelompok Benang-benang, and also Pratisara Affandi Adikarya. Several times he made single exhibition, such as at Nakzkov, Denmark (1998); James Kohara Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA (1999), Galeri Padi, Bandung (1999), Galeri Santi, Jakarta, Moskwa(2000). He received award from Philip Morris Art Awards Competition. And also categorized as "the best five" Nokia Art Awards.